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Pernille Yilmam Ph.D.


Pernille Yilmam, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist with training from universities including Harvard and Emory University. Originally from Denmark, she moved to the United States at the age of 21 to pursue her education. Yilmam has since led and contributed to groundbreaking research in brain development, sensory challenges, and trauma. Her 15-year personal struggle with body dysmorphia and eating disorders drives her passion for understanding how we perceive our bodies, and how our environment and genetics affect it. In this blog, she explores both the neuroscience and lived experience of body dysmorphia.

As the founder and CEO of Mind Blossom, a nonprofit organization, Yilmam is dedicated to providing free mental health education to underserved communities. Her work and inspiring personal story have been featured in numerous podcasts and news outlets.

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