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Mira Antonyan Ph.D.


Mira Antonyan, Ph.D., is recognized as one of the first professional social workers in Armenia and brings 30-plus years of experience helping children and families through times of crisis to her roles as the Executive Director of the Fund for Armenia Relief’s Child Protection Center, the President of the Armenian Association of Social Workers, and an associate professor at Yerevan State University (YSU).

At the policy level, Antonyan leads transformative efforts to improve child protection and social welfare systems. Through her consultancy roles with governmental bodies and international organizations she shapes policy agenda and global strategies for child protection. Antonyan's impact extends beyond Armenia, as she has played a critical role in planning and executing comprehensive social protection programs across borders in regions such as Abkhazia, Artsakh (NK), Moldova, and Georgia. Her consultancy experience with organizations such as UNICEF, EU, USAID, and the World Bank highlights her expertise in social protection, crisis management, project development, and capacity building. In academia, Antonyan's impact is also far reaching. As an associate professor at Yerevan State University (YSU), she helps to shape the next generation of social workers. Through her mentorship and teaching, she instills in students a deep sense of social responsibility, inspiring them to challenge inequities and advocate for the most vulnerable members of society.

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