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Verified by Psychology Today

Michael Allison


Michael Allison is a performance consultant for organizations, teams, business executives, coaches, athletes, sports psychologists and professional creatives. He has certified hundreds of professional coaches internationally as Play Zone Pros through his unique methodology that applies polyvagal theory to optimize health, resilience, and performance, endorsed by Stephen W. Porges, Ph.D.

Allison serves as a professional consultant for coaches, managers, sports psychologists, teams, and athletes within Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association, the Association of Tennis Professionals, the Women's Tennis Association, the Federation Internationale de Football Association, the International Tennis Federation, the American Volleyball Coaches Association, USA Track and Field, Association of Volleyball Professionals, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association in a wide variety of sports.

He is an educational partner with Polyvagal Institute and provides a variety of educational offerings, learning platforms, and certification programs accredited by the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaches and supported by Stephen W. Porges, Ph.D., developer of polyvagal theory. Allison is a leading expert teaching Polyvagal Institute’s flagship course, is the author of a chapter on turning competition into co-regulation in the forthcoming Norton Professional Series book titled Somatic-Oriented Therapies — Embodiment, Trauma, Polyvagal Perspectives, the co-author with Dr. Porges of a chapter on the physiological states supporting compassion and empathy in the forthcoming Norton Professional Series book titled Polyvagal Perspectives, and contributor of a case study examining performance enhancement through physiological state regulation in a Sounds True publication."

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