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Verified by Psychology Today

Breanna Gentile Ph.D.


Breanna Gentile, Ph.D., completed her bachelor's in psychology at Gonzaga University. She went on to receive two master's degrees, one from Golden Gate University in Counseling and the second from Palo Alto University in Clinical Psychology.

Dr. Gentile founded Dr. G's Lab, an incubator for teens that serves as a feeder to top accelerators in California. She has authored studies that have been published in peer-reviewed journals and has been an invited speaker about trauma-informed practices and design at multiple national conferences and symposiums.

Dr. Gentile has spent over 10 years working to improve outcomes for children, teens, and their caregivers working through Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress. Her work with behavioral health providers, communities, and families has allowed her to develop a keen insight into the challenges of supporting resilience through trauma-informed practices.

She is currently the Chief of Clinical Solutions at Esteem Therapeutics and Director of Product Design at Center for Youth Wellness. In her words, “It is an honor to be an integral part of designing clinical solutions with such a brilliant team full of people who genuinely want to do as much good for as many people as possible."

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