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You Write the Caption!

These two images were begging to be joined. It's your turn to add the words.

Paul Joannides/
Source: Paul Joannides/

When I used to write a weekly newspaper column, it was supposed to be at least 1,200 words long, and I would have received an angry call from my editor if I had included an image. In the days of ink and newsprint, images required a screen and they also took up valuable space that could be used for advertising.

Fast forward to today. On my own blog, I worry about losing viewers if I write more than 500 words. I also take as much time finding the right image and fine tuning it in Photoshop as I used to spend writing an entire column—and I have always been a painfully slow writer.

It was just the end of the month, and I needed to download my monthly allotment of images from AdobeStock. I did a search with the words "couples, talking, bed." The young couple that's on the top was one of the first sixty images that came. I liked it and figured I'd be able to use it at some point. Then, after another 200 images, the older couple appeared. I began flipping back and forth between the younger couple and the older couple, and it seemed clear as day to me that the two images belonged together.

So I tossed both of them into Photoshop, and joined them at the bedsprings. I'm now asking you to provide your own caption or a paragraph or two of your feelings that come up when you see this image. (Post them as comments below.)

Next week, with the help of my editor at Psychology Today, we'll pick ten of your captions and post them with this image.

Here's the link for my new video “A Woman’s Guide To Men’s Foreskins” -or-

And here's the link for my video "The Clitoris" -or- "This is one of the best videos I have reviewed in years on the role of the clitoris in sex.”—Dr. Michael Perelman “Brilliant and Thoughtful!”—Jessica Ford, VoiceAmerica Talk Radio “This video is wonderful! Super comprehensive and engaging. This is so needed.”—Heather McPherson, Southwest Sexual Health Alliance "Awesome! Great info, and I love the editing on the video.”—Dr. Jill McDevitt

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