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3 Things to Do to Boost Hope

During tough times, hope for a brighter future is essential.

Key points

  • Being unhappy about the direction the world is taking can make you depressed and anxious and cause you to lose hope.
  • It may be helpful to remember that the present moment will soon be the past.
  • Curtailing your media intake can help alleviate stress.
  • Perhaps the most important way to stay hopeful is to make a difference in other people's lives.
Source: salajean/Shutterstock

If you are one of the many people who are unhappy with the direction the world is taking – Russia’s war against Ukraine, the rise of autocracy, increased inflation, the retraction of civil rights, inaction about climate change, to name but a few – you may feel depressed and anxious about your future. You may be down on the future of the nation and its place in the world. In other words, you may have lost hope.

In the last few months we (Phil and Rose) have been in touch with friends from around the globe. Few were joyful – due to Russia’s war in Ukraine and the global financial fallout – and the overwhelming majority expressed anxiety about the world’s sociopolitical future. Some in Europe and especially Eastern Europe were gravely concerned about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s mental state and the possibility of him spreading war to their sovereign nations, even via a nuclear attack.

Back home, we’ve listened to people’s fears for their individual as well as our nation’s future. And each time, we asked them not to give up hope. Our mantra: This too shall pass, the best is yet to come. Time is continuous and whatever is happening in the present will soon become the past. It might help to remember that each of us has suffered in some ways and made it through trying times. We survived, and then we thrived, and we will again, and again. By no means are we saying anyone should ignore injustice, but right now, in this moment, there is a world of possibility which can be harnessed to create a brighter future.

3 ways to stay hopeful

1. Be kind—to yourself and others.

  • Curtail your intake on media. We are constantly bombarded by media with “breaking news” and may feel it’s necessary to be up on everything all the time. Although it might be a feather in our cap to be the first person to hear about and then share some exciting new tidbit, the time it takes to be so informed can take away from living life now. Go easy on yourself. Consider watching/reading a couple of news shows/articles a couple of times a day. (Once a day is even better.) Although news reported later in the day is more current, it's not particularly healthy to go to sleep with disturbing thoughts fresh in your mind. So make sure you read, watch, or do something that will replace unwanted thoughts before entering a sleep cycle.
  • Take mini-breaks. These can be anywhere from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes, two or three times a day. Shift your focus from whatever you are doing to something that brings you a feeling of happiness. For instance, visually look at the flowers on the table, or the clouds floating by, or photos of loved ones, or close your eyes and go to your happy place in your mind’s treasure chest. Doing so will make you feel refreshed.
  • Practice random acts of kindness every day. Go ahead and help an elder across the street, or get the item off the top shelf at the grocery store for the person in a wheelchair, or give a sincere compliment to a coworker, or hold the elevator door open for all to enter or exit freely, or consider putting a cheerful note under the windshield wiper of a local car with a short, upbeat message, such as “Hope you have a wonderful day!” Remember: Kindness begets hopeful feelings.

2. Treat each day as a gift.

  • Express love tangibly. Be generous with hugs for loved ones, encouraging words for coworkers, and acts of kindness for all. The more we express love, the more deeply we feel it and the more hopeful we’ll be. Practice giving compliments to friends, coworkers, teachers, and service people who deserve praise.
  • Revel in the beauty around you. There is beauty everywhere; sometimes we just have to shift our focus. Notice the color of the sky, the grain in the wood, the water dripping off the roof, the sound of children laughing, or bird song. Beauty is plentiful, and always there. Realizing there is beauty around you helps bring it into you and enhances your feelings of hope.
  • Be grateful for everything. The roof over our head, food in the refrigerator, the warmth of a sweater, and the people in our lives, especially family and friends — even in the bleakest of times, we have much to be grateful for.

3. Make a difference in the lives of others.

  • Volunteer. If you have a special skill, consider sharing it; be a reader at your local school or a helper at a soup kitchen. And if you have a special interest, consider getting involved in an organization that improves the life of others less fortunate. Volunteering puts our lives and the lives of others into perspective.
  • Make calls and write post cards. If being social isn’t your strong suit, consider making phone calls or sending postcards to government officials to express your concerns. Millions of people feel the same way you do but most won’t take any action. And consider breaking the mold by being prosocial: Go on a mass march to openly protest injustices to women and minorities and/or to support science, climate change initiatives, and more. Being proactive is being hopeful.
  • Be kind. It’s worth repeating: By being kind to yourself and others, you automatically make the world a better, more hopeful place and pave the way for a brighter future. The Dalai Lama reminds us often that shared compassion makes our world more lovable and livable, but should begin with self-compassion. You are the key to unlocking hope.
More from Rosemary K.M. Sword and Philip Zimbardo Ph.D.
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