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Top 5 Complaints of Stepmothers

What are the 5 most common complaints that stepmothers have?

I wish that the stepmothers in my practice could listen in on each other's conversations. If they could, they would see how common it is to feel the way that they do and they might not feel so alone and isolated. So, since I can't let them eavesdrop, I'm listing the most common complaints that I hear:

  1. Why does he let his kids walk all over him?
  2. Why do my needs always come last in the family?
  3. Why does his ex seem to have more say over the visitation, scheduling, and finances than i do?
  4. Why do i have to be so careful about what i say when everybody else gets to say whatever they want?
  5. I'm a good mother and a good person, so how come he never takes my advice when i give it to him?
More from Joshua Coleman Ph.D.
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