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Burnout: An Emotional and Psychological Warfare

How to cope during the return of the pandemic.

Key points

  • Burnout is becoming more common, particularly among health care workers, caregivers, and perfectionists.
  • People who are experiencing burnout need to take a break from work and prioritize their self-care.
  • Spending time in nature, sleeping well, and eating healthy are some of the ways to treat burnout.
 Olya Kobruseva/Pexels
Burnout has affected health care workers and primary care providers the hardest during the pandemic, resulting in record numbers.
Source: Olya Kobruseva/Pexels

Burnout is a state that makes one feel like going through a dark tunnel. Getting out of bed becomes dreadful and affects the fulfillment of day-to-day responsibilities. The term burnout is self-explanatory; energy, motivation, and optimism burn out entirely due to prolonged stress. It is devastating exhaustion that deprives of peace of mind and body. An emptiness takes over, and one feels no joy in the activities that were once a source of enjoyment.

Who gets affected?

Research shows that those who are continually stressed and overburdened with workload undergo burnout. It can affect any person, but people belonging to the health sector and people looking after children are particularly vulnerable to burnout. People with type-A personality characteristics who tend to be perfectionists are also at a high risk of this health condition.

Which symptoms are prominent?

The state of burnout leads to energy depletion, negative feelings about one's job, and weak belief about the capability of doing the job and yielding positive outcomes. There are specific symptoms that indicate if someone is suffering from burnout:

  • Physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion
  • Alienation from work-related activities
  • Poor concentration and decline in performance
Instead of burning out, find balance
Source: nataliya-v-evich/Pexels

Self-care strategies to beat burnout

The first step in coping with burnout is to recognize that it is happening. The next step in breaking through it is to take a break from work and spend quality time with yourself. One needs to realize the worth of one's existence and develop a sense of purpose in making the world a better place.

When you experience the red flags of burnout, it is time to pause, ponder, and take the following steps:

1. Nature therapy

Nature heals all broken and exhausted souls. Surround yourself with nature to recharge your energy and revitalize your inner strength.

2. Endorphin stimulation

Exercise not only enhances your physical strength but also improves your mental health. By exercising, your body releases endorphins that contribute to positive feelings and make you happy.

3. Diet boosters

A healthy and balanced diet acts as a natural antidepressant. Your mood gets a boost, and your body becomes a strong warrior against illness caused by burnout.

4. Sound sleep

Your sleeping habits can help you relax your mind and body. It is the time when our system takes a break and recharges its energy. Avoid caffeine and screen time to get a good night's sleep.

5. Social interaction

When you feel lost, interact with your loved ones to seek their support. Socializing with your favorite people helps you deal with the anxiety. The positive vibes contribute to building your emotional strength.


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