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A Sneaky Idea for Your Next Staff Meeting

The question that changes everything.


Because none of us is as dumb as all of us, right?

Could there be a less efficient process?

Have you ever left a regular staff meeting feeling fantastic and energized? Probably not. After all, you just spent forty minutes discussing what needs to be done, who needs to do it, and all the reasons why it won't work. Now you probably feel like you're at the bottom of a small mountain with very little motivation to begin climbing.

Fortunately, Ron Friedman, the author of The Best Place to Work, has a better idea. He suggests mixing in a different kind of staff meeting—one focused on accomplishments instead of upcoming projects.

He recommends broadening attendance to have at least a representative from various departments throughout the organization. The more the merrier.

Then open the meeting by simply asking, "Does anyone have any wins to share this week/month?"

I know this doesn't sound very sneaky on the surface, but just watch as the scene unfolds. You can expect people to begin deflecting attention away from themselves and offering gratitude to others. That's what you really want.

If you've read my book, Magic Words, then you know the power of a simple "Thanks". People who feel appreciated work harder, longer, and are more innovative. But that's not even the best part. Those who feel and express gratitude enjoy a host of benefits, including less stress, better sleep, and longer life spans (an average of seven years longer!)

However, cultivating gratitude can be challenging. If you try to force it, then it feels inauthentic and loses its magic.

Without taking a moment to reflect on accomplishments and express gratitude to each other, you and your co-workers will feel stuck in the rat race. Each project turns into yet another project and there are endless emails to get to. If it's always go, go, go, then you can expect diminishing returns, burnout, and high turnover.

Here's what you can do RIGHT NOW:

  1. Take a minute at the end of each work day to jot down what you got done that day. (If you like crossing items off a to-do list, then you're going to love adding items to a "DONE!" list.) NICE BONUS: This will give you a pile of documented accomplishments for when it comes time for your next performance review or salary negotiation. You're welcome.
  2. Reach out to those who have helped you along the way and offer a simple "Thanks!" every day. This alone will noticeably improve your relationship with your co-workers and your own job satisfaction.
  3. Forward this article to whoever runs the staff meetings in your organization and suggest that you give it a try.
  4. Share a win and thank someone at the next staff meeting. Just do it. You don't need permission. Others may even pick up on the practice and the idea can spread rather quickly.
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