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Low Sexual Desire

3 Ways to Resuscitate a Fading Sex Life

Sexual passion waxes and wanes over time. Here's how to pull it out of a lull.

Key points

  • Improved sexual communication enhances sexual desire and function.
  • Greater emotional intimacy leads to higher sexual desire and increased sexual activity. 
  • A consistent wind-down routine can help alleviate pressures that may be affecting a sexual relationship.
Allef Vinicius / Unsplash
Source: Allef Vinicius / Unsplash

Your relationship with your significant other can ebb and flow—reaching riveting highs and falling to troubling lows, like facing a disconcerting lull in your sex life and feeling disconnected or uninterested in sex with your partner. This decline can have a detrimental impact on your sexual satisfaction and overall relationship quality.

While worrisome, fluctuations in your levels of sexual passion are normal and can be revitalized with conscious, mutual effort.

“It is important to keep in mind that it is normal for desire and satisfaction to fluctuate and that a satisfying sexual relationship requires effort to maintain,” reports Melanie Reyes, lead researcher of a new study published in Sexual and Relationship Therapy.

These three approaches can help you achieve greater bedroom bliss, according to research.

1. Boost Sexual Communication

Sarah shares a strong emotional bond with her partner, Jordan, but they’ve encountered significant issues in their sexual relationship recently. She has been finding their time in the bedroom monotonous, and she feels that Jordan doesn’t understand her anymore. She is struggling to communicate her sexual needs and doesn’t think that Jordan would be interested either.

If you’ve experienced a similar issue, then you are also facing a communication breakdown that has diminished the spark in your love life. Sexual communication involves discussing sexual desires, boundaries, preferences, and concerns with a partner to enhance mutual understanding and intimacy. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Sex Research found that improved sexual communication enhances sexual function, sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, and erectile function.

Additionally, your partner’s responsiveness—feeling cared for, understood, and validated by a romantic partner—seems to be a key factor in determining your comfort and willingness to share your sexual needs. The aforementioned 2024 study published in Sexual and Relationship Therapy concludes that partner responsiveness leads to greater sexual communication and, in turn, greater intimacy, sexual satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction.

“If an individual feels cared for, understood and validated by their romantic partner, they are likely to self-disclose to their partner more. They also may be more likely to communicate their sexual needs and preferences,” reported Reyes.

2. Enhance Emotional Connection and Intimacy

Alex has been in a relationship with his partner for the past five years. He has started feeling a growing distance from Emma; conversations often remain surface-level. He doesn’t recall the last time they shared an intimate moment or even went out on a date. Sexual encounters have become infrequent and he is troubled by the lack of passion they once had.

If you’ve felt a similar emotional distance from your partner, you might also be struggling with dwindling intimacy and sexual passion. A 2018 study published in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships concluded that greater emotional intimacy leads to higher sexual desire and increased sexual activity.

You can consciously schedule quality time with your partner and use it as an opportunity to share feelings and strengthen a sense of togetherness. Taking up a shared activity such as cooking, daily evening walks, and weekend picnics can help change monotonous routines and enhance intimacy. Making an effort to be present for your partner can bring you closer and help revamp the romance in your relationship.

3. Take Time to Wind Down and De-stress

Kate has recently taken on a new job with increased working hours. She is under constant stress to prove her worth and impress her boss. She gets so tired after work that she has little energy to take care of household chores, and they seem to be piling on. Her relationship is suffering from her preoccupation with pending house chores and work stress. She has noticed a stark decline in her sexual desires and spending time with her partner.

A 2022 study published in International Journal of Advanced Studies in Sexology found that 47 percent of participants experienced sexual desire issues, sexual aversion, and sexual dysfunction due to daily internal and couple stress. Additionally, a 2019 study concluded that the strain caused by conflict in transitioning from work to family mode reduced the likelihood of engaging in sex that particular day.

A consistent wind-down routine can ease the transition to relaxation and help alleviate the pressures and stressors that may be affecting your sexual relationship.

Initiating a routine at the same time each evening can signal to your body that it’s time to relax. You can choose to indulge in soothing activities, such as reading, taking a warm bath, or light stretching. Successfully creating a relaxing routine can create a conducive environment for reducing stress and enhancing intimacy, leading to a more satisfying and fulfilling sexual life.

Addressing problem areas with your partner can elevate intimacy and satisfaction in your relationship, transforming challenges into opportunities for deeper connection and renewed passion. It’s important to embrace these changes with patience and understanding can lead to a healthier, happier, and more vibrant sex life.

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