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Building Self-Awareness at Work

Use mindfulness to help cope with stress and improve your performance.

Key points

  • Body awareness is tool that can help us navigate the challenges of the workplace more effectively.
  • Body awareness is the practice of tuning into the sensations and physical cues within our own bodies.
  • Practice regularly with focused breathing, body scans, and non-judgmental observation.

At work, we often find ourselves racing through the day, managing tasks, attending meetings, and dealing with deadlines. In the midst of this potential chaos, it's easy to overlook a powerful tool that can help us navigate the challenges of the workplace more effectively: self-awareness.

One aspect of self-awareness is the practice of tuning into the sensations and physical cues within our own bodies. Body awareness involves paying attention to how we physically respond to situations, emotions, and stressors. While this practice can help in all aspects of life, it holds particular significance in the workplace.

Why Body Awareness Matters at Work

At work, stress, interpersonal dynamics, and decision-making can have a significant impact on our well-being and success. You might encounter demanding tasks, difficult colleagues, or challenging projects. These situations can trigger a range of emotions, from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated to excited and satisfied. Body awareness can help you make sense of these emotions and respond to them in a constructive manner. Here's why it matters:

  1. Emotional Regulation: When you become attuned to the physical sensations associated with different emotions, you gain greater control over your reactions. This self-regulation can prevent impulsive responses and foster better decision-making.
  2. Stress Management: Work-related stress is a common challenge. By recognizing the physical manifestations of stress (such as tension in your shoulders or a racing heart), you can intervene early and employ relaxation techniques to manage stress effectively.
  3. Improved Communication: Understanding your body's response during conversations and meetings can enhance your communication skills. You can use this awareness to convey your message more clearly and pick up on non-verbal cues from others.
  4. Enhanced Focus: Body awareness can sharpen your focus and concentration. When you are present in the moment and in tune with your body, you are less likely to be distracted by intrusive thoughts or worries.

Practicing Body Awareness

Developing body awareness is a skill that can be cultivated over time with practice. Here's a simple step-by-step guide to get started:

  1. Find a Quiet Space: To begin, find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without distractions.
  2. Close Your Eyes: Close your eyes to eliminate visual distractions. This allows you to redirect your focus inward.
  3. Focus on Your Breath: Start by paying attention to your breath. Notice the sensation of your breath as it enters and leaves your nostrils or the rise and fall of your chest or abdomen.
  4. Scan Your Body: Gradually expand your awareness to different parts of your body. Begin with your toes and work your way up to your head, paying attention to any sensations, tension, or discomfort you may encounter.
  5. Non-Judgmental Observation: As you scan your body, remember to observe without judgment. Don't label sensations as good or bad; simply notice them.
  6. Return to Your Breath: If you find your mind wandering or making judgments, gently bring your focus back to your breath. It's normal for thoughts to intrude; the key is to acknowledge them and then return your attention to your body.
  7. Practice Regularly: Try to incorporate this body awareness exercise into your daily routine for 15 minutes. Try to practice when you are already calm and eventually build to practice when stressed or anxious.

Benefits in the Workplace

As you become more adept at body awareness, you'll notice its positive impact in various workplace scenarios. Root yourself in the present moment by being body-aware. During challenging conversations or conflicts with colleagues, for instance, body awareness can help you stay composed, manage your emotional responses, and respond thoughtfully. When faced with tough decisions, body awareness can provide valuable insights into your true feelings and intuition, aiding in more confident choices.

Recognizing physical signs of stress early allows you to implement relaxation techniques or take short breaks to alleviate tension, increasing overall well-being. It equips you with the tools needed to navigate stress, enhance communication, and make more mindful decisions. By taking the time to tune in to your body's wisdom, you can transform the way you approach challenges and ultimately thrive in your professional life. Leaders attuned to their bodies are often more empathetic and understanding, which can improve team dynamics and employee satisfaction. As you embrace body awareness, you'll discover that it's not just about improving your work performance but also about fostering a deeper connection with yourself and those around you.


Chapman, A., Gratz, K., & Tull, M. (2011). The dialectical behavior therapy skills workbook for anxiety: Breaking free from worry, panic, PTSD, and other anxiety symptoms. New Harbinger Publications.

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