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Experiencing Low Self-Esteem? Here's an Overlooked Antidote

A focus on attaining success obscures the value in pursuing success.

Key points

  • Immediate gratification often undermines the slow benefits of mentoring.
  • Mentoring fosters self-esteem through validation and positive reinforcement.
  • Challenges and guidance from mentors build resilience and confidence.
  • Mentors provide perspective, helping mentees realize their potential and navigate setbacks.
Nicole Smith/Unsplash
The immediate gratification has diluted the need for the ever evolving and slow marinating goodness of guidance from others, specifically mentoring.
Source: Nicole Smith/Unsplash

Immediate success and tangible achievements are addictive. We’ve been condititoned to want good things and get them now—our Amazon packages, engagement on our social media posts, and responses to our text messages. Everything’s become immediate, and that has a cost. We’ve focused more on attaining success and less on pursuing success. The immediate gratification has overshadowed the need for the ever-evolving and slow-marinating goodness of guidance from others, specifically mentoring.

The profound impact of being mentored on self-esteem and overall personal growth cannot be overstated. Research has shown that nine out of 10 employees who have a mentor are happier and more productive in their careers than those who do not. Mentoring is no longer a luxury; it has become a necessity for those wish to advance in their careers.

The Foundation of Self-Esteem

Self-esteem reflects how we perceive ourselves and dictates how we interact with the world around us. It is the foundation upon which we build our confidence, resilience, and ability to take on challenges. Yet, many individuals struggle with low self-esteem, often stemming from past experiences, societal pressures, or a lack of positive reinforcement.

Enter Mentoring

Mentoring is not merely a transfer of knowledge from a more experienced individual to a less experienced one. It is a dynamic, reciprocal relationship that fosters growth, self-discovery, and empowerment. A good mentor sees the potential in their mentee, often before the mentee can see it themselves, and works to cultivate that potential through guidance, encouragement, and constructive feedback. They are part career guide and part cheerleader.

Building Confidence Through Validation

One of the most significant ways mentoring boosts self-esteem is through validation. A mentor holds up a metaphorical mirror to the mentee and acknowledges the mentee's strengths and accomplishments, offering genuine praise and support. They don’t just recognize the achievement, they honor the journey it took to get there. This validation helps mentees to see their worth and capabilities more clearly, counteracting the negative self-talk that often accompanies low self-esteem.

For instance, when a mentor provides positive reinforcement for a job well done, it reinforces the mentee's belief in their abilities. Such reinforcement is crucial for developing self-confidence, as it helps individuals internalize their successes and view themselves as competent and capable.

Encouraging Growth Through Challenges

Learning begins where comfort ends. A mentor plays a pivotal role in pushing mentees out of their comfort zones. While this might seem counterintuitive to building self-esteem, it is through overcoming challenges and achieving goals that individuals develop a sense of accomplishment and resilience. When a mentor challenges their mentee to take on new responsibilities, stretch to accomplish assignments, or tackle difficult projects, they essentially say, "I believe in you." This belief can be incredibly empowering.

Moreover, navigating challenges with the support of a mentor provides a much needed gutter rail. Knowing that someone is there to guide and advise instills a sense of security, allowing mentees to take strategic risks they might otherwise avoid. Successfully navigating such challenges leads to a stronger sense of self and greater confidence in one's abilities.

The Power of Perspective

Sometimes we are so deep inside the jar we can’t read the label. When you are in the weeds, the mentor has the 60,000-foot view and can offer perspective that can help a mentee reframe their thinking. When a mentee encounters setbacks or failures, a mentor can provide a broader view, helping the mentee to see the experiences as learning opportunities rather than reflections of inadequacies. Such a shift in perspective is vital for maintaining and building self-esteem, as it fosters a growth mindset and reduces the fear of failure.

Realizing Potential

Sometimes, we don’t know how good we are or how good we can be. Ultimately, the goal of mentoring is to help individuals realize their full potential. Mentors open doors that mentees didn’t know exist. The realization is deeply tied to self-esteem. When mentees begin to see themselves through the eyes of their mentors—as capable, talented, and valuable—they start to believe it themselves. The belief is the cornerstone of self-esteem and the driving force behind personal and professional growth.

Mentoring is a powerful tool for boosting self-esteem and helping individuals to realize their potential. Through validation, encouragement, perspective, and challenges, mentors can help mentees build confidence, resilience, and a positive self-image. As we continue to navigate the complexities of our modern world, the role of mentors in fostering self-esteem and personal growth remains as crucial as ever.

More from Ruth Gotian Ed.D., M.S.
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