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The Normalization of Anxiety Medication: What Is the Impact?

Society’s normalization of mental health treatment alleviates historical stigmas.

Key points

  • Normalizing anxiety medication improves mental health treatment options.
  • It reduces stigmas and encourages individuals to seek help without judgment.
  • Patients are increasingly offered choices in anxiety treatment.
  • A balanced approach to treatment promotes long-term resilience and well-being.
Artem Podrez / Pexels
Source: Artem Podrez / Pexels

In recent years, the normalization of anxiety medication has significantly reshaped the landscape of mental health treatment. Previously, discussions about psychotropic medication were often shrouded in stigma, with many people hesitant even to entertain the idea. Yet, as education and awareness about mental health have increased, so too has the acceptance of medication as a viable treatment option.

This shift reflects a broader cultural change, where mental health issues are openly discussed, and seeking help is encouraged rather than hidden. Modern approaches to anxiety treatment now prioritize offering patients choices, including the option to try talk therapy before considering medication and the possibility of using medication on a short-term or as-needed basis. This evolving perspective helps individuals feel more at ease and reduces the fear of being perceived as weak.

As society continues to embrace these changes, the balance between medication and psychotherapy becomes crucial, aiming to develop effective coping skills while addressing the potential for medication misuse. Overall, the growing acceptance of anxiety medication marks a significant step towards a more comprehensive and empathetic approach to mental health care.

Historical Context

Historically,1 attitudes toward psychotropic medication were marked by significant stigma and reluctance. Mental health issues were often misunderstood, and discussions about treatment options, including medication, were rarely entertained. The prevailing belief was that psychological problems should be dealt with privately, and medication was often viewed as a last resort—if considered at all.

In the past, the argument for medication was simplistic and unpersuasive: “You have anxiety, so you need this medication.” This approach lacked respect for individual preferences and failed to consider the complexity of mental health issues. Consequently, many people avoided seeking help due to fears of being labeled as weak or unable to cope with life.

Fortunately, there has been a shift from one-size-fits-all to a gradual understanding of different perceptions. This shift has opened up conversations about the benefits and limitations of medication, allowing for a more personalized approach to mental health care.

The Changing Approach to Anxiety Treatment

The approach to anxiety treatment has evolved significantly. Today, mental health professionals prioritize offering patients a range of options, recognizing that one size does not fit all. Instead of immediately prescribing medication, clinicians often recommend starting with talk therapy to help individuals explore their anxiety in a supportive environment and develop coping skills and strategies before considering pharmacological interventions.

Patients now have the choice to use medication on a short-term basis or as needed, which can be particularly appealing for those wary of long-term dependency. This flexibility respects individual preferences and circumstances, making the treatment process more patient-centered by fostering a sense of autonomy and empowerment among patients.

This changing approach also helps reduce the stigma associated with anxiety and its treatment. By normalizing discussions around mental health and medication, individuals feel more at ease seeking help and discussing their options. The broader acceptance of varied treatment methods signifies a cultural shift towards a more compassionate and individualized approach to mental healthcare, where the goal is to support patients in finding the most effective path to well-being.

Impact on Patient’s Perception and Comfort

The evolving approach to anxiety treatment has had a profound impact on patients' perception and comfort. Offering diverse treatment options, including the possibility of trying talk therapy before medication, has made patients feel more understood and respected and helps alleviate the fear of being judged or perceived as weak for seeking help.

Moreover, the option to use medication on a short-term basis or as needed provides patients with a sense of control over their treatment. This flexibility can significantly reduce anxiety about taking medication, as patients know they are not committed to a lifelong regimen. The acknowledgment of medication as one part of a broader treatment plan, which includes developing coping skills through psychotherapy, reinforces the idea that medication is not a crutch but a tool for achieving better mental health.

Balancing Medication and Psychotherapy

While medication can offer quick relief from acute anxiety symptoms, psychotherapy2 provides long-term strategies for managing anxiety and developing resilience. This combination ensures that patients are not solely reliant on medication, which can mitigate the risk of dependency and potential misuse.

Psychotherapy helps patients explore the root causes of their anxiety, build coping mechanisms, and develop a better understanding of their mental health. Techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy can be particularly effective in altering negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with anxiety.

When used appropriately, medication can support this process by stabilizing mood and reducing severe symptoms, making it easier for patients to engage in therapy. This dual approach allows for a more personalized treatment plan tailored to each patient's individual needs. Encouraging self-reliance and the development of coping skills through therapy, alongside the symptomatic relief provided by medication, leads to a more sustainable and empowering recovery process.

Influence of the Media and Overall Outlook on Anxiety and Medication

The influence of the media on perceptions of anxiety medication cannot be overstated. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) are filled with content that can both inform and mislead. People frequently encounter stories and testimonials about anxiety medication, some advocating its use and others warning against it, which can shape public opinion and often causes confusion and anxiety about whether to pursue medication as a treatment option.

As a psychologist, I frequently encounter clients who have been influenced by media portrayals of mental health treatment. While the media can play a positive role in normalizing discussions about mental health, it is crucial for individuals to understand that their experience with anxiety and treatment is unique. What works for one individual may not work for another.

Mental health professionals must guide their clients through this maze of information, helping them to develop a balanced and informed perspective. Encouraging patients to engage in open conversations with their healthcare providers and to evaluate media content critically can foster a more realistic understanding of anxiety treatment options.

The normalization of anxiety medication represents both progress and challenges. By promoting informed choices and personalized treatment plans that combine medication with psychotherapy, we can ensure a compassionate and effective approach to managing anxiety. As we continue to destigmatize mental health treatment, it is vital to support individuals in finding the best strategies for their unique needs, fostering a society that values mental well-being as an integral part of overall health.


1. Pescosolido, B. (2021). “Trends in Public Stigma of Mental Illness in the US, 1996-2018”. JAMA Network.

2. Nakao, M., Shirotsuki, K., Sugaya, N. (2021). “Cognitive–behavioral therapy for management of mental health and stress-related disorders: Recent advances in techniques and technologies”. National Library of Medicine.

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