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Creating a Workplace Culture in Which People Want to Work

Better workplace dynamics increase employee productivity.

Key points

  • Creating a company culture in which people want to work is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent.
  • Satisfied employees produce 23% higher profits than their unsatisfied counterparts. 
  • Employees who consistently get acknowledgment from their managers for good work are five times happier.
Source: Fauxels/Pexels

Attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for any organization's success. However, it's not just about offering competitive salaries and benefits—you want to create a positive and inclusive work environment in which employees feel valued, respected, engaged, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives.

A workplace that people genuinely want to work in can lead to increased productivity, lower turnover rates, and an overall happier and more committed workforce. A Gallup survey shows that satisfied employees produce a 23% higher profit than their counterparts.

Ten Ways Employers Can Create a Positive and Supportive Company Culture

  1. Define and communicate core values: Management should clearly define the organization's core values, principles, and behavioral expectations that shape their work culture. The core values should be consistently communicated and modeled from the top down.

    When I was a CEO, probably my most important skill was using emotional intelligence to keep my leadership team communicating, functioning productively, and maintaining morale.

  2. Lead by example: Managers and leaders must "walk the talk" and embody the organization's values through their own actions, decisions, and conduct. Their behavior sets the tone for the employees, as they are considered role models.

    Leaders should be held accountable for their behavior by tying their performance evaluations and compensation to the organization's values.

  3. Implement inclusive hiring practices: Review and update recruiting processes to mitigate potential biases and ensure a fair and equitable selection process. Consider implementing blind resume reviews, structured interviews, and diverse hiring panels to promote objectivity and minimize unconscious biases.
  4. Cultivate a positive and inclusive culture: Embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion in your workplace. Promote a culture of respect, empathy, and psychological safety.

    Strive for diversity at all levels of the organization, including leadership positions, decision-making bodies, and employee resource groups. Diverse representation can help employees from underrepresented groups feel seen, heard, and valued within the company.

  5. Encourage open and respectful communication: Create safe spaces for employees to share their thoughts, concerns, and experiences without fear of judgment or retaliation. Foster an environment in which differing perspectives are welcome and respected and where employees feel comfortable expressing their authentic selves.
  6. Recognize and reward: Implement recognition programs that celebrate employees who exemplify the desired cultural attributes and behaviors. Employees who consistently get acknowledgment from their managers for good work are five times happier.

    Appreciation is a must in the workplace for employee motivation. That's why companies conduct rewards and recognition programs to show appreciation for their employees.

  7. Collect and act on employee feedback: Encourage open lines of communication between leadership and employees and foster an environment where feedback and ideas are welcomed.

    Regularly seek employee feedback through anonymous surveys, focus groups, or open forums. Use the feedback to identify areas for improvement, and implement data-driven strategies to address concerns and enhance inclusivity within the organization.

  8. Promote work-life balance: Demonstrate respect for employees' lives outside of work by providing accommodations like flexible schedules, generous paid time off, and wellness initiatives. Overwork and burnout take a toll on mental health. The Surgeon General's Framework for Mental Health & Well-Being in the Workplace outlines the foundational role that workplaces should play in promoting the health and well-being of workers and our communities. Support employees' mental health and create a workplace culture of psychological safety.
  9. Implement wellness programs: Wellness programs are interventions designed to encourage prevention and discourage such behaviors as inactivity, smoking, and obesity. More than 80% of employees working in companies engaged with employee well-being programs say that they enjoy working. Furthermore, wellness programs reduce absenteeism by 14 to 19%.
  10. Promote professional growth and development: Invest in employees' personal and professional growth by offering training programs, mentorship opportunities, and clear career paths. For example, employers can establish mentoring and programs that connect employees from diverse backgrounds with senior leaders. In a survey, only 40% of employees said their employer is investing in them to help them upskill.

    Employers can also offer reimbursement programs for continuing education, which benefits the employee and the organization. Employees value workplaces that are committed to their professional development and provide opportunities for advancement.

Creating a desirable company culture in which people want to work is an ongoing process requiring consistent effort and commitment from employers and employees. Employers can create a workplace that attracts and retains top talent by prioritizing employee well-being, growth, and engagement while fostering an inclusive, positive, and productive work environment.


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