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Living in the Light and the Dark: An Early Recollection

Carrying flowers to the darkness in a first memory of life.

Key points

  • Early recollections as a projective technique enhance an empathic understanding of a person.
  • The main idea or theme of an early memory is critical and possible to identify.
  • Early recollections clarify a central theme, personality dimensions, and perceptual modalities.
  • Carrying brightness to bleakness and making things a little better.
Haley Black/Pexels
Source: pexels-haley-black-3968060

Recently, I listened to an early recollection that captures the lightness and the darkness of the human condition. Dawna, a singer-songwriter for more than 40 years, shared her thought-provoking memory. "I was picking flowers for my mother. We had a small backyard with purple violets and Lilies of the Valley. I was bringing them to her. She was still in her bedroom with the shades drawn. My mother struggled with alcohol use." In response to my question about the most important part of the memory, Dawna said, "The light and the dark and being happy in bringing flowers to her."

Relating to the central theme or main idea of the remembrance, Dawna strives to make a bleak situation a little better through her caring and supportive actions. In spite of Dawna's awareness of the seriousness of her mother's struggle, she brings a measure of solace. At the same time, Dawna does not fail to recognize the dismal place and provides a brief respite from its harshness. In navigating through the darkness, Dawna is company to light and a glimpse of hope.

In her life, similar to the early recollection, Dawna seeks to find uplifting moments for herself and others in the face of events that can be difficult or distressful. This striving involves appreciating small and even joyful occasions that help navigate through the challenges of life.

From a perspective of personality dimensions, Dawna experiences a high degree of activity. She enjoys keeping busy and finding creative expressions of engagement. With respect to social interest, Dawna has a strong sense of emotional connection with people and seeks out ways to enhance the well-being of others. Dawna expresses this human kinship through her music, vocational contributions, and sustained relationships.

Relating to optimism-pessimism, Dawna is optimistic, but she is also cognizant of the sorrows and hardships that are a part of life. Her quest is not to push dark times away but to somehow find ways to bring light to them. As an aspect of living, Dawna has had to deal with numerous challenges, but she feels capable of surmounting hardships and difficult times. She has a high level of conscientiousness and can be counted on to honor responsibilities and commitments.

With regard to perceptual modalities, Dawna has a keen appreciation for color in her life. She finds various hues to be emotionally uplifting and is drawn to them on an daily basis. As with the colorful flowers in her recollection, Dawna enjoys natural colors in her home and in outdoor settings. Dawna has a heightened sensitivity to touch, and she finds comfort in human touch and playing musical instruments—such as the guitar and piano.

Lucretius, the Roman poet and philosopher, wrote in the first half-century, B.C., "All life is a struggle in the dark." In the lyrics of her songs and in her way of being, Dawna recognizes burdens in life, but also seeks ways to lighten them.

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